Wednesday 3 August 2022

Wisdom Keys August 2



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered Him, saying, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from You." But He answered them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah"_ (Matthew 12:38-39)

Often, those who demand proof from God in exchange for their belief in Him will not actually concede to His Lordship when they receive the proof. Rather, they will suppress it, or call it evil. The scribes and Pharisees had seen sign after sign, yet they demanded another sign from Jesus. They had seen everything they needed to know that Jesus is LORD, but were not satisfied. Jesus' response for a sign is fascinating. He answered, _"an evil and adulterous generation..."_ This is so intriguing. My personal interpretation is to understand it in light of the nature of adultery; _"being given everything you need in a God ordained sense, yet seeking more that is outside of God's will."_ 

These Pharisees and scribes had been given everything they need. They had been given more signs than previous generations. They had heard the teaching ministry of Jesus with their own ears and had witnessed His healing ministry with their own eyes, yet demanded more. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when closing out His parables with the phrase _"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."_ Though the Pharisees had physical ears and heard His words, their spiritually hard hearts did not actually hear the true meaning of Jesus' teachings. 

Further building on Jesus' use of the word "adulterous" is the way in which the adulterer is never satisfied just as these scribes and Pharisees would never stop demanding signs from Jesus. Their hard-heartedness condemned them. The only sign left for them to see would be Jesus acting out the sign of Jonah; His death on the Cross and resurrection three days later. Sadly, even this undeniable sign would not convince the majority of scribes and Pharisees. Their religious pride and greed had seriously blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts. 


_People who demand proof from God in exchange for their belief in Him do not understand the nature of faith, and are never satisfied. Rather, they will suppress it, or call it evil._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1526 ELK.

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