Friday 26 August 2022

Wisdom Keys August 25


Thu/25th/Aug/ 2022

*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"Therefore," He said to them, "every student of Scripture instructed in the Kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who brings out of his storeroom what is new and what is old"_ (Matthew 13:52).

This verse is like a mini-parable that sums up the disciples' responsibility concerning all the other parables. In fact, some commentators even list this as an eighth parable in the chapter. The focus here is on bringing new treasures out of the storeroom along with the old. In other words, both the Old Testament and the New Testament are important. They are both the Word of God. The older teachings about God and the Kingdom are still valuable and true. But now we must add to them these newer teachings about the Kingdom. The new teachings do not replace the old teachings. Rather the new teachings complete them and fulfill them. 

Notice that in this mini-parable of the storeroom, Jesus puts the new treasures before the old treasures. The new comes first because we are New Testament people. Jesus has come, and so we always present the old in light of the new. Notice that the owner doesn't keep the treasures in the storeroom, but he brings them out for others to see. We are called to share what we learn with others. You learn about God's Kingdom not just for yourself but in order to share these things with others. 

God has given you everything you need in His Word to teach others about the Kingdom and reach others for Jesus Christ. All Scripture is useful for teaching, both the Old and the New Testaments. But we have to emphasize the New. We focus on Jesus and His teachings about the Kingdom. _"All Scripture is Gods-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work"_ (2Timothy 3:16-17). The special revelation of Jesus allows His people to see the Old Testament Kingdom truths that have been there since the foundation of the world, but which have already gone unnoticed. It takes the Spirit of Understanding to see the reality of the Kingdom of heaven in both the Old and the New Testament. 


_Now is the time to make your decision about Jesus. It will be too late after you die or after Jesus returns. Now is the time for salvation. Open your heart to Jesus today._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1549 ELK.

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