Wednesday 21 September 2022

Guard against pride

God's design grand plan is for mankind to know that He is the Creator : 

1 Corinthians 1

20. 'So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.

21. Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.'

The world (mankind) is struggling with unbelief as a result of thinking more highly of own wisdom. God used the wisdom of man to make him/her appear foolish before Him. One thing I appreciate each day of my life is when I realize everything around or before me was created or caused to be made by God. It's not that I have put too much thinking and reasoning into writing this devotional!

 No, I have just experienced words and messages streaming out from my thoughts faculty with minimum effort! This shows the amazing things God, in the name of Jesus Christ, is doing through and by me. 

We revere in a social, professional, political or denominational authority more than we revere God! You need to ask yourself if someone looks wiser than you, how did s/he get the wisdom and from what source? We are deflating the 'tyres of the instrument' (making the power of the Holy Sprit and Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our redemption) which is carrying us to our heavenly destination by claiming to be wiser than God. 

What has made humanity to be so rebellious to her/his own Maker? The simplest answer to this question is 'Pride'. Pride has made so many people fall into sinning because it puffs up feelings and attitudes of thinking more highly of own wisdom more than the same wisdom God has planted in us.

 This is a terrible human idiosyncrasy which continues to fan mankind to rebel against God. Today, I am encouraging you to partner with the Word of God for you to tap into His wisdom so that you are not made foolish by what you call your wisdom. 

Human claimed wisdom is futile for it is the old age strategy Satan has for time immemorial applied to fish people away from God's authority and spiritual custody.

 Get it from me, I have come to be doing what I am doing because I chose to partner with Jesus Christ whose life transforming Gospel is above all things. Believe in Him (Jesus Christ) and He will lead you into what God wants you to be.

 It is difficult for man to experience life on his own way, it requires the routine infusion of the Holy Sprit's prompts to train you to walk on His (God's) righteous course. Be the person who God wants you to be and believe that nothing is above that which created it. Good morning believer in Christ Jesus? Aaron Ndaa welcomes any views you may have for the advancement of God's Word which is the tower light for eternity.

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