Tuesday 13 September 2022

Made Right By Faith In Christ

Romans 3

22s. 'We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.'

David asked to have his sins blotted out when he realized it was only God who knew all about his wrong doings, (Psalm 51:10-16).

 The world over, there are still many people who don't believe God is their Creator, and that as their Creator, they are supposed to live according to His will.

 Again there are also some people who believe that the preaching of God's Good News (scriptures) is supposed to be done in Israel thinking that it's only in Israel where God is known. In today's scripture reading, Paul makes it clear that God is not confined to an area as man thinketh. May I request you to read Psalm 51 to find out what David was shown by God and how he asked to be forgiven of his sins. 

Even if David was the man after God's heart, he rebelled against Him, however there are lots of things we can learn from how he turned away from his wickedness.

 As I was reading Psalm 51 (the whole chapter by the way) it dawned on me that humanity continues to rebel against God.

 When one is blessed it's common to abuse God's favour by boasting about it as if the blessing happened because of one's wits! Compare Romans 3:23 with Psalm 51:5. This is the reason why you have to allow yourself to turn to Jesus Christ today so that God removes the 'stains' which make you look even unacceptable before mankind.

 You appear unwelcome to other people because you have not chosen to believe in God who created you, (1 John 4:20). This Jesus Christ whom I am talking about as the Gateway to your acceptance and admission in Heaven is real and He was not brought to our continent by those who colonized us. 

He was there when God created the world and all things, and He still is and will forever be, John 1:1-2. I know everyone has been affected by the kind of teachings (education) s/he has had which blinded them from knowing who God is, and can you imagine how science was taught, saying that the 'sun is a ball of fire'! I have often times preached about how someone should know that God is real by just looking at things around oneself. 

Whatever you see around you, simply ask a question about who made what you are seeing to be what it is! I am sure it will dawn on you that Someone whom no one can see or touch made all such things to be what they are. 

What is the main message in today's scripture? Turn to Jesus Christ and confess your sins, He is ready to forgive you, and He is the only one who can make you a new person He desires you to be, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Psalm 51:10). Even if God is called by different linguistic vocabularies in different parts of the world by various people, He remains the Creator of All Things no matter what those things look like. Worship God even if He is called by a different name. 

No one will put up a justifiable excuse to say they didn't know God exists when they stand before Him on the Judgement Day. 

Be the David of today, seek God to forgive you of your sins while He is still calling you to do so. Have a blessed Sunday.

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