Friday 7 October 2022



By Aaron Ipisani:

 "Husbands, likewise, dwell with them (wives) with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered" (1Peter 3:7).

   In the day when Peter wrote these words, women were considered inferior to men. In both pagan cultures and heathen religions, wkmen had no rights and were unimportant except as child bearers and labourers.

   Christ's life and teachings completely reversed this. With the entrance Christianity, women were now considered equal with men in terms of salvation and relationship with God. 

It was now recognized that, like men, women have ministry gifts given by the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church. 

Wives are described in the Bible as "heirs together (with the husband) of the grace of life"; this places women at an equal level spiritually with men. This is still true today.

   Unfortunately, some try to cite the "weaker vessel" portion of this verse in an attempt to make women appear morally or intellectually inferior. 

The word "weaker", however, refers only to "dwell with them with understanding", becausd wives are less strong physically and thus more vulnerable.

   Husbands are further commanded to "give honor to the wife". A wife is a valuable gift from the Lord, anf should be considered more precious than riches or fine (Prov 31:10). A husband should value his wife, and reserve a special place of honor and love for her alone in his heart. A husband should honor his wife by treating her with courtesy, gentleness, respect, kindness and love.

   Thr biblical meaning of this term 'vessel' indicates something or someone used by God for His glory. It is important to remember that God desires to be glorified through women as well as through men. A husband needs to help his wife become a 'vessel of honor' (2 Tim 2:21) whom God can use for His glory.

   The importance of a husband's spiritual support of his wife is clearly seen at the end of 1 Peter 3:7. If a husband does not work at understanding and honoring his wife, his prayers will "be hindered". The word "hindered" means "to cut in, to interpret, to have an obstacle thrown in the way".

   This interruption or obstacle in a man's prayers can mean two things: The interference of Satan and his ways into a marriage, through the disunity that results from a husband's failure to adequately care fof his wife, and God's potential resistancd to those who violate the principles of His Word. In addition to a husband's prayers being hindered, his ability to spiritually lead his family will also be hampered. It is difficult for a wife and children to submit to and follow someone who does not love them or care for them. Godly spiritual leadership begins with caring for and loving those you lead. 

This is true both in the home and in the Church. This is how our heavenly Father and His Son initiated the plan of salvation and how they continue to lead us. This is the only way to lead others spiritually.-F.R.P

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