Tuesday 18 October 2022

Never allow Satan to steal your inheritance

Psalms 16

8. 'I know the lord is always with me. <br>    I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.'

People can make very good promises about what they wish to give you, and more often than not some of the promises are made as a way to dismiss you from their presence. Such dismissive promises are usually made when somebody has no idea how to help you meet your wants, and not usually your needs. Scripture tells us that God is not a man that He can lie, (this time I am not showing you the verse, I want you to look for it and practice to share what the Holy Sprit has explained to you about it)! Man is broken (I mean unbelievers) to an extent of wilfully telling some a seemingly convincing promise they know they will never fulfill it! Unfortunately God who searches what is in hearts and minds already knows all about it. If we are all aware of this divine discernment of how God knows what we will do next following our conception of evil deeds, I believe that would be a huge warning for us not to cast our pills to swine! Being given opportunity to live life on this earth it's a coaching and mentoring programme designed by God for us to have an introspective view of God's Heavenly Kingdom. Whatever we do here on this earth will be used to let us in or shut us out of heaven. So, why would you allow Satan to rob you of your promised and secure inheritance which God gave you through His begotten Son, Jesus Christ? Read through these scriptures in Romans 8:35-39, and compare them with what David is saying in our tonight's scripture verse. Nothing is able to cause you to break away from God's love, unless if you choose to deny Him. When you lose something you love so much, do you know how much distraught you become? You will have a sigh of relief once you find it. This is what God does, He is concerned about us being in an unbreakable relationship with Him. I am then wondering what it is that cause so many people to refuse to worship God simply by sincerely and modestly calling on the name of Jesus Christ! Perhaps this is another topic for intense debate and discussions in the next devotional. 

But I want to implore you to continue to nurture your faithfulness towards God who in turn gives you His righteousness through Christ Jesus. Read the Word of God anytime anywhere and pray all the time, and I promise you, the Holy Sprit will help reveal to you God's purpose for you.

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