Friday, 25 November 2022

Where are you?


Genesis 3v9 NLT

Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Where are you is the first ever question to be recorded in the Bible. The question of where are you is not just a question of location. It is also a question of relationship. 

God calls unto man all the time. God is still asking that question to mankind that he did to Adam - where are you?You are not at home with your family - where are you. You are not at school during school time - where are you. You are not in fellowship with others - where are you. You are not at your duty post - where are you. Wherever you are, be prepared to answer that question. 

You must understand that question is not just reserved for God but everyone else who has a close relationship with you can ask that question. In fact some are entitled to know. Your spouse has a right to know. Your parents and your children have a right to know. Your supervisor has a right to know during working hours. What more of God!! 

My hope and prayer is that your answers will make you proud of yourself as well as delight your creator and those who know you or trust you or love you.


Lord God, locate us when we lose ourselves in the world. Bring us back into your presence for you glory.Amen

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