Thursday 19 January 2023

Relief For Vapositori, Nation As Muvevi Appears In Court


Ex-CID officer Jaison Muvhevhi who terrorised Manicaland this past week, killing three people and severely injuring one, today appeared at Harare Magistrates Court where he appeared before Judge Dennis Mangosi.

Muvevi pleaded to be remanded in prison instead of remaining in police custody as investigating officers had requested.

His lawyer, Samson Dzingira, said investigators could always interview him from there. Detectives had requested to spend three more days with him.

Investigating Officer Detective Pikisai Chikwazo said they intend to conduct indications at the alleged crime scenes while interviewing the triple homicide suspect.

The judge ruled in favour of the detectives.

But as a reader, you are probably wondering who Muvevi is. Here are four things you didn’t know about him.

1. Muvevi is 39 years old.

2. He grew up in Negombwe and learnt at ST John’s Maninga Primary School and St Mathias Ruswa Secondary School.

3. He joined the police force and later quit to become a mine operator.

4. Before going on rampage, he had been in South Africa for the past three years and only returned home on January 11

Meanwhile, since he went on a rampage, people from Wedza told The Herald how they had abandoned any movement since the fateful Friday.

“We have been living in fear since this horrible incident occurred. People were even afraid of working in their fields or travelling to the business centre, fearing for their lives.

“We are happy that the suspect was arrested. We are relieved, and we now have peace. Everyone in this community is relieved. My wish is for this person not to be given bail. You never know what he will do next once he is given bail. That is the fear and concern of the people around here,” Madzibaba Edson Moyo said

Madzibaba Silo also narrated how community members had taken to sleeping in the bush out of fear.

“Some were even scared to the extent of abandoning their homes and sleeping in the bushes. It was a scary and unfriendly situation. We are glad that he has been arrested,” he said.- iHarare

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