Friday 20 January 2023

What you are going through is not punishment

 What you are going through is not a punishment, God is fulfilling His planned purpose for you. So, don't feel discouraged, be strong and keep on waiting on what He wants you to become. 

Acts of the Apostles 9

15. But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.

16. And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.”

God knows the plans He has made for you and me, so pray about your current circumstances such that at the right moment and time He will reveal His will for you. Imagine the fear which seized so many people during Saul's era! Is Saul, who later was given the name Paul (this is my own thinking - take 'S' to mean Sin and replace it with 'P' to mean Pious), not the one who spread the Good News to many nations and wrote many scriptures about Jesus'work? Why are you dejected about what you are going through at the moment? Has God ever failed His chosen ones? Be happy most of the time and pray for those you perceive to be causing problems to you. Keep waiting on God's answer. Think about the 'divine seed' God has planted in you through Jesus Christ, it certainly will germinate one day, and everyone around you will see God's glory through you. Even if you feel you are not sure whether it is God stirring up problems besetting you, keep looking up to Him and believe what is able to do in and through you by continuous reading of His Word. God is about to do something great through you despite the seeming challenges bedeviling your life. You are being blinded by these problems as God's strategy to remove the scales that keeping you blind from seeing your opportunities receive God's blessings. Invest your hopes in Christ Jesus.

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