Wednesday 1 February 2023

Beware Of Devil's Tricks

Afternoon blessing sermon and scriptures to remind you of God's love 

The enemy wants you to stare and compare in all the ways you already feel inadequate. He wants you to doubt God’s goodness in how He made you. So, if you start hearing the enemy’s script, recognize it for what it is: false accusations.


Here’s a cheat sheet to remind you how he whispers in your ear:

“If only you were . . .”

“You aren’t enough . . .”

“You are too much . . .”

“If God really loved you . . .”

“People think you’re so . . .”

“Why can’t you just . . .”

“Why does she always get . . .”

“Why can’t you ever . . .”


Beloved, don’t help the enemy get you into a state of defeat by believing and repeating his scripts. God will lead you with love and conviction but never accusation or condemnation.


God isn’t measuring you by what you are or aren’t accomplishing or what size your jeans are or how your kids are behaving today or how much money you have in your bank account. He loves your heart. He wants your heart. Reject the lies and start listening to the One who knows you completely and loves you fully.


Revelation 12:11 tells us we will defeat the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. This is why we need to start preaching God’s truth to our hearts in the midst of whatever insecurities are taunting us today.  It is the most powerful way to help us fight the lies and accusations of the enemy. 


We must let God’s words become the words we live by. Let’s change the scripts begging us to believe anything opposite of God’s truth.


He is with you, He will not leave you, and He absolutely will see you all the way through whatever difficulties you are facing.

Stay blessed

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