Monday 13 February 2023

Down but not out!

*_Job 16: 1. As if to prove I have sinned, you have reduced me to skin and bones._*

*_16. My eyes are red with weeping; dark shadows circle my eyes. 17. Yet I have done no wrong, and my prayer is pure. 19. Even now my witness is in heaven, My advocate is there on high. 20. My friends scorn me, but I pour out my tears to God._*

Job was still in a sad and painful state. He knew all the truth, that his friends did not know. He knew that God was aware of the root of his suffering. All his friends used only their perceptions which were far from reality.

Even though Job was in pain, physically drained, reduced to skin and bones, spiritually he was very much alive. He might have been down but, he was not out yet. He was red eyed because of weeping, to the extent of developing darkness around his eyes.

Sometimes you come to such a time that you cannot stop weeping. Tears  just flow continually and uncontrollably. This is an outward sign of an inward pain. Learn from Job, who even in such a situation, remained anchored on God, as his solid rock. 

His witness and advocate was in heaven. What an unwavering trust!. No matter what your friends or enemies say about you and your situation, never be misled to  turn  your back to your faith.  *Amen.*



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