GOSPEL ROUNDUP By Aaron Ipisani: Where did Christmas come from and when?
A century of independence of the Maccabean period, 166-63 B.C. This period was called Maccabean, or Hasmonean period. Mattathias, a priest of intense patriotism and unbounded courage, was infuriated by the attempt of Antiochus Epiphanes to destroy the Jews and their religion. He gathered a group of loyal Jews and raised the standard of revolt. He had five heroic and warlike sons: Judas, Jonathan, Simon, John and Eleazar.
Mattathias died 166 B.C. His mantle fell upon his son Judas, who was a warrior of amazing genius. He won battle after battle against unbelievable and impossible odds. He captured Jerusalem in 166 B.C. and purified and rededicated the temple. This was the origin of the Feast of Hanukkah which means Feast of Dedication (or Festival of Lights also called the Feast of Lights held on Kislev 25 (December 165/4) B.C.).
Judas united the priestly and civil authority on himself and thus established the the line of Hasmonean Priest-rulers who for the next 100-years governed an independent Judea.
Christ's Mass was originated on Kislev (25 December) by the Maccabees.
Jesus came in the as a light witnessed by John 1:9. The world was made through him the Word/Light, but the world did not comprehend him who ddscended as light.
The birth of Jesus was not a physical birth from human point of view - it was rebirth come from God. So the Word became flesh and dwelt among us here on earth (John 1:14) and have seen his glory the glory of the only Son of the Father.
The feasts which the Jews observed in Jesus' day and which Jesus no doubt attended regularly were: Passover (April/Nissan), Pentecost (June/Sivan), Tabernacles (October/Tishri), Dedication (Kislev/Dec.) and Jewish holiday commemorating their deliverance from Haman (Purim/Adar) Easther 9:16-19.
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