Saturday 18 February 2023

Lust of the eyes leads to sin


_Genesis 3:6_

_So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate._

*Lust of the eyes leads to sin*

Sight is a very powerful thing. One will see something and the mind will create its only report of the suitability of that thing and yearning begins to form for it. Eve used her own logic to assess the suitability of the fruit which God had specifically told them not to eat. Wisdom of this earth is foolishness to God while obedience to God's will is the best wisdom one can ever have.

When God tells us not to indulge in some sinful act, our job is obedience and not finding reasons why that sin could be good to indulge in. Sin is sin, no matter how pleasant it is because it leads to spiritual death. Let us be mindful of what we watch and read so that we feed out minds with goodness in order for goodness to sprout of of our hearts.


Oh Lord cleanse my eyes so that I may see good things to build my soul and grow fruitful. Help me to shun evil acts so that I do not defile myself in Jesus name. Amen

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