Monday 6 March 2023

Called To Mould Others


_Philemon 1:10-11_

_[10]I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains,_

_[11]who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me._

*We are called to mould others*

All are called to christ from different walks of life to be partakers in the vineyard of the Lord. Noone is above others but those who lead others must also lead from the back to make sure that none is left behind. When the Israelites left Caanan, their pace was determined by the weak and the lame who lagged behind. The strength of the body of Christ is thus measured by the weakest amongst them.

We must care for the fallen and encourage them to not remain fallen but to rise up again and continue on the journey placed before us. When others have repented, let us help them to find strength through our encouragement. Refusing some entry is not for us, for the owner of the church is Christ himself who died so that all may be saved. Our mandate is to accept & mold others so that they do not remain the same but become transformed for the glory of God.


I accept that others including myself may fall but brethren must lift each other up in prayer. I therefore take up the role of encourager so that I do not stand as a stumbling block to those who will come back to Christ. Amen.

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