Friday 14 April 2023

Be Wary Of False Prophets - Bishop Magaya


By Bishop Ancelimo Magaya

Whilst it is unfortunate and regrettable that the recent developments in Zimbabwe have punctured a hole of confidence in the character and ministry of the church, let it be known to all that God has not left the world without a credible prophetic witness of the testimony of our Lord Jesus. 

Failure on the part of a section of the church and obnoxious behavior of false prophets in sheep’s clothing will not be a valid excuse for non repentance and denial of the lordship of Jesus.

 God will judge both the false prophets that have led the gullible astray together with those that reject the lordship and savior-hood of Jesus on account of fake Christians. This is the time to embrace the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Be truly born again. Walk in His word and you will not be disappointed.

Fighting for socio-economic justice from a stand point of the God who is just, is the way to go. Any other angle is shaky and sinking sand.

 By arguing for the God of justice as a stand point from which socio-economic justice agenda should be driven, l am not suggesting a pacifist, docile and pronouncements that are void of action. Scriptures are replete with episodes of action. Remember Nathan’s strategy and prophetic direction he gave to Bathesheba when Adonijah had declared himself the king in a season that God wanted Solomon to be on the throne. God save Zimbabwe.

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