Saturday 22 April 2023

I Want To See You Lord


*Job 42 vs 5*

_I used to hear about you but now I have seen you and your goodness_


Job was a faithful man but one thing he tried was trying hard not to sin against God.God seeing his faithfulness he even allowed  the devil to tempt him but told him not to temper with his faith.If the devil is given an opportunity to tempt you will you stand strong in the tough moment like  Job did.Job believed the battle wasn't his but God's battle all he did was to keep his faith in hopeless situations

Don't let the devil shake you from your faith ,never allow anyone to make you feel unworthy. In the whole process close people to Job showed him another side he never knew but at the end he kept his faith and God restored everything he had lost.May God restore what you lost and let it be a testimony  to your life and those  surrounding you.Amen


Father I Thank you for  your glory .teach us to know  and hold on to you when our faith is being tested. Amen

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