Monday 3 April 2023

Salvationists Break New Ground In Prayer

By Wadzanai Mhombera 

H.E.D Media Team Member 

The Harare Eastern Division held a spirit-filled all-night prayer at Chitungwiza Citadel on Friday, the 31st of March 2023, under the theme: "Breaking Cycles of Limitations". 

The all-night prayer which also came ahead of the Easter Congress penciled for this coming week,  witnessed spirit-filled prayer sessions ably led by various Corps Officers from the division. 

Th divisional leaders Majors B. and I. Nyahuma were in attendance throughout the entire night. The Divisional Commander Major B Nyahuma declared the all-night prayer officially opened by outlining the theme and purpose of the day. 

He read from Psalm 37:25 assuring the nearly 200 soldiers that God will never forsake them, adding that they needed to seek Him through prayer to "break the cycles of limitations". 

The Divisional Spiritual Life Development Secretary Lt. S. Njiratenga was equal to the task at hand. The DDWM Major I Nyahuma, Captain Kadzvatsva, Captain A. Guyo, the DYO Lt. K. Makoni and Major JJ Muchenje were the other prayer sessions leaders.

Prayer points included confession & cleansing of sins; breaking the limitations blocking one's life or destiny; praying for today's children for God to destroy impediments in their lives; praying against delays in our lives; praying that the devil witnesses our breakthroughs; praying that God changes our situation - breaking the cycle of failure or handicap in life (Luke 8:30; Phil 3:13) and praying for the Easter Congress slated for Marikopo Schools. 

Soldiers also participated in a PRAYERWALK session (based on Matthew 26:36) where one had quite time with God, a sort of one-on-one with God, with soldiers pouring their hearts to God unhindered. The Chitungwiza Citadel yard was at that moment full of Christians who deeply sought God's face for the next 10 minutes. 

The Word came from Major JJ Muchenje  who assured soldiers that there is power in the Salvation Army to those who believe and they will be transformed. 

He read from Exodus 8:8-10, a passage during the period Pharaoh was refusing to release the children of Israel. Major Muchenje assured soldiers that God can end their challenges today, not tomorrow. He reminded soldiers of the fishermen who spent the whole night without catching anything because of limitations - but when we call upon Christ at our weakest point and listen to his instructions,  our situation changes immediately - they caught more than they had bargained for. 

Major JJ Muchenje also reminded congregants that GIVING is the hallmark of serving God.  

*"Wakapa zvinorwadza denga rinozaruka* (Malachi 3:8-10), God will bless you. The success of the church is on giving. If you invest in the world, you will never be blessed. May you be transformed through this all-night prayer," he said. 

On seeking God's presence in our lives and in the church, Major Muchenje was candid. He said congregants are always arguing pointlessly when God is not present in their lives. 

"Without the presence of God *pa church inharo chete,*" said. 

The DC Major B Nyahuma put a lid on the all-night prayer, saying H.E.D must not look back on such programmes, challenging the Divisional Spiritual Life Development Secretary to organise more prayer programmes in future. @The Salvation Army Zimbabwe

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