Monday 17 April 2023

Showers Of Blessings On Monday

 Monday showers of blessings come from Genesis 48:3,4&11 "Then Jacob said to Joseph, “God Almighty appeared to me at Luz (Bethel) in the land of Canaan and blessed me, and said to me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful and numerous, and I will make you a great company of people, and will give this land to your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.’.............. Israel said to Joseph, “I never expected to see your face, but see, God has shown me your children as well."

Israel counted his blessings. His focus was on what the LORD has done in his life more than the suffering he went through. It is also wise for us today to acknowledge GOD and count your blessings in this journey of life. Sometimes we loose a lot of time focusing on small negative things rather than focusing on our blessings which are even bigger and more than problems. Let's begin our week singing "count your blessings....... Rava zvose zvaakakupa,..."


Blessings and Shalom

Rev and Family

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