Wednesday 31 May 2023


By Zeph Taruvinga in Sanyati District

A DARK and gloomy cloud hovered around Sanyati as the unbelievable and unbearable news of the passing away of the Army heroine of Sanyati District, Major Shiellah Rutanhira (nee Jakaza) filtered through. 

There are some news of bereavement which, upon receipt, they instantly trigger one into hysterical and uncontrollable wailing. But for Shiellah's death, the news were like a sharp arsenal piercing through the heart, sapping all the energy and leaving only fountains of tears dripping through....Such was Sanyati District when it was drenched into tears as it mourned the death of one of its own, Major Shiellah - the Heroine of Sanyati. 

She died in an accident in the early hours of May 20 in Dibete, Botswana on her way to Gaborone from Zimbabwe. Shiellah was serving as the Botswana District Director of Women’s Ministries, and wife to her Soul-Mate, Eleckson Rutanhira, the District Commander.

During her burial service at their Farm in Mvurwi on Saturday, several speakers ran short of suitable admirable adjectives to describe how Shiellah's way of life left a permanent imprint in everyone she came across. 

They described her as a "powerful and fiery speaker, teacher, helper, counselor, cheerful lady, hardworking farmer, and very committed to her spiritual work, etc" That was Shiellah, a loss to her birthplace Sanyati. 

Who was Shiellah?

Born Shiellah Jakaza on 6 October 1968, she was a fourth (4th) born in a family of nine (9), 5 girls and 4 boys. 

She grew up in Sanyati, Chenjiri Purchase Area, Farm 150 under Chief Neuso. She did her primary and secondary education in Sanyati, a District that moulded her into a most virtuous woman that she was till her untimely promotion to glory. 

Even during her youthful stages at Dubugwani Corps, Shiellah exhibited great potential of leadership and qualities of a devout Christian. These qualities were unraveled in 1986 when she tied the knot with her equally ambition-driven and goal-getter, Eleckson Rutanhira. 

A year later in 1987, they entered Officers Training College and so began their journey of Officership from Lieutenant in 1988, to Captain in 1993 and eventually Major in 2003, a rank she had when she was untimely promoted to Glory on 20 May 2023.

Shiellah is survived by her spouse Major Eleckson Rutanhira and four children:- Hope, Felistus Monicah, Lovejoy, and Sibongile. 

Such was Shiellah, the Heroine of Sanyati, a role model that many strove to emulate. Fare-thee-well beloved Sister, Daughter, Mother, Colleague and Saint. 

May Your Dear Soul Rest In Eternal Peace. - Salvationist online

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