Tuesday, 30 May 2023


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

 *”Rejoice always, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.*”

*👉🏿In this journey of life, Prayer is a COMPULSORY COURSE.* 

_Meeting with God daily is COMPULSORY._

The devil is not interested in stopping you from attending church services, but he wants to stop you from *PRAYING*. He does not fear your coming to church, he fears your kneeling to *PRAY*. *A Christian that does not pray is cheap prey for the devil to handle.*

The devil is willing and ready to give a Christian anything that will make him or her not *PRAY*.

He knows that you will soon walk away from your anointing when you stop *PRAYING*. He will find you enough legitimate business and reasons to stop you from *PRAYING*, but you must know that you cannot be effective in life without *PRAYING*.

Pray when you are I battle,

Pray when you are in blessings,

Pray when you are in Sound Health,

Pray when you are in sickness,

Pray when you are in Joy,

Pray when you are in sorrow,

Pray to be Victorious,

Pray to be Winner,

Pray to rule over your enemies,

Pray to make Positive Impact in Life,

Pray to populate the kingdom of God,

Pray to depopulate the kingdom of devil,

Pray for the body of Christ,

Pray for the Christian Marriages, 

Pray for the singles and Youths,

Pray for the teenagers,

Pray for the children,

Pray for the pregnant women,

Pray for expectant mothers (parents),

Pray for your family,

Pray for your friends,



🗣️O GOD my Father, empower me to Pray without ceasing in Jesus name Amen

🗣️FATHER let the Anointing to Pray without ceasing rest upon my Life today and always in Jesus name Amen

Apostle A. LEE 

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