Monday 5 June 2023

Crushed But Not Destroyed


with Tendai Muchena 

Crushed But Not Destroyed - Move On 

Some years back I got hurt on my big toe, and had a little but sore wound. The thought of wearing closed shoes was a non-starter. It so happened that it was the weekend we were visiting my sister at boarding school. I put on my sandals and thought tomorrow it should be much better. It had to be much better as I had to wear my school shoe the next day. 

In the afternoon whilst we were standing in the fields talking non - stop, as usual, I felt a sting on the wound on my big toe. I looked down and to my horror, there was a big brown/red ant on my toe. I shrieked. I can't even describe the jumps and all the other movements I made, shaking my leg, trying to reach down to wipe my foot, finding somewhere to sit. My phobia of insects got the best of me, suddenly I was feeling cold, had goosebumps and tears just flowing down my face. I just wanted my bed at that moment. You can imagine what the rest of that day was like. 

Sometimes, life hands us such. You think you are taking a step forward but find yourself steps back. When you think I'm about to get out of this bad situation, the situation gets worse, making you afraid, shaking your faith and ruining your days. When you think you are healing from a loss, something else happens. 

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

It is part of this journey of life. No matter how much it hurts, remember you are not destroyed. It is a phase and one day it will be a story you share.

Tendai Muchena soldiers at Marlborough Corps in Harare West Division. She writes here on her own personal capacity. She can be contacted at - Salvationist online

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