Friday 30 June 2023

Fungisai Reflects On Social Media Effects

By Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave 

 Social media can be a conduit to self emancipation or self destruction. Pause, Fungisisa and count the benefits it has brought you. Think of the draw backs it has caused you. If the negatives outweigh the positives, take a break from the addiction. The addiction we have been fearful of is that to drugs but if you look closely, social media addiction has killed dreams, ambitions and hustles. Where people used to work 10 hrs in a day, 3/4 is now drowned in the thumb scrolling. From tik tok, Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, google etc. Your dreams are forgotten, the drive to work hard and excel has died down. When all you seek is entertainment on Social Media every minute or second, decide to rehabilitate yourself. You are under siege from a spirit of poverty, laziness and procrastination! It can even take you deep into the night scrolling across posts. The children are forgotten, the ambition too and the family unit is long gone munhu wese akangotsikitsira pafon yake! What kind of witchcraft is this one?! Do yourself a favor and switch off the social media accounts for productive hours in a day. Switch the phone off if need be. It’s ok to have a phone time table for functionality purposes. Otherwise we are doomed as a generation. Believe you me, too much of anything is toxic. If its not adding any value or if it’s hampering your developmental progress,  it’s ok to disconnect and reconnect only when necessary. ……………. That was me preaching on my page to myself and hundreds of thousands others this morning. Ndatotsvaga Bishop Prisca Soko kuti vandiperekedze neshoko iri. 

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