Thursday 29 June 2023

He Restores My Soul



Psalms 23:3a

He restores my soul :...

Jesus at one time while teaching His disciples said "it is not possible that offences/disappointments will not come...."As a child of God you have been deceived, disappointed and dejected for the trust and confidence that you put in your fellow human beings. 

People act in a way that makes you believe them as being genuine and your mind says yes to them. Whoever thought David could flee from Saul, the man to whom he would play the music when he was sick and he would get healed.

If you remember, Hagar was sent packing by Abraham and Sarah who had asked her to bear a child for them. When you see people getting up and about each day, every individual has a story to tell of betrayal or unfair treatment.

When that happens the outer person does not change appearance in any way but the soul is hurt and gets wounded. When the soul is wounded it is separated from God due to feelings of hurt.


Lord restore my soul that I may be able to stand against the waves of this life.

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