Monday 12 June 2023

Let Your Spirit Testify Christ- Like Life

Let your spirit testify the Christ like life in and about you

There is a tendency by some (if not most) people to declare self righteousness even when what they will be showing is contrary to what the Word of God says. Remember what Rachel said when her father was looking for his "makona", (this one you can look it up from the Book of Genesis). Someone will tell you they are a tested and pious Christian who doesn't break God's commands. They will use convincing words spruced with sympathy such whoever is being told may end up 'wearing that person's shoes'. In most cases it's a cunning strategy to win favour for the wrong things someone is doing. But in today's scripture, I have liked Paul's behaviour disposition! He is not qualifying himself as righteous as most people would do. He simply says it is only God who knows whether he is righteous or not. Do you remember how many times you have said you were right for the wrong things you were told to have done? Saul before he was given a Christian name Paul, was known for notorious murdering and persecuting those who witnessed Jesus Christ as the Saviour (Acts 9). Here he is in this scripture, he is testifying the transformation he has gone through after meeting Jesus Christ. You too have had meeting with Jesus Christ, is what you are saying to those you want to follow Jesus Christ testifying that you are a fully transformed Christian? Let your spirit testify the true Christian life you are living. Let God be the approver of who you are not just by what you are doing in the presence of those people you know, but by what you do or think where no one is present. 

1 Corinthians 4

4. 'My conscience is clear, but that doesn’t prove I’m right. It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide.

5. So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due.'

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