Thursday 8 June 2023

Women Victims Of Stigma In Music Industry - Fungisai

By Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave

The music Industry is not a safe work environment, too much stereotyping, stigmatization, cyber bullying,  endless mudslinging and character assassination which are not desirable for family women by societal standards.

 A shift in priorities, a change in ambitions and career options is ideal and pertinent. You weigh the value addition and if it’s now in diminishing returns, then it’s not worth it. It’s about weighing the pros and cons and making sound decisions in one’s best interest. 

Unosvika paunoneta and you just choose your peace by being content with whatever you have contributed and opting for women friendly careers.

 The clever ones get this revelation paone project and they make the desirable U-turn. The few passionate & vane nharo nemasystems seni, we then realize 23 years later kuti this industry has no capacity to be kind towards women and we start building from that loss. 

The environment is just not pro- women. The sexism and ageism alone, are tall orders for any average woman.

 Once you are above 35/middle aged, you are insulted left right and centre  for your age whilst our male counterparts are hailed at 60plus. Fact is the ground in Africa will never be even. Women will never be equals with men across the board. It might take forever for that miracle to manifest.

 Despite gender mainstreaming efforts, women will always have to be 10 times better than their male counterparts in order to be visible in the background. So the wise ones, make hay whilst the sun shines, they either ship out or tone down and find alternatives. 

Music becomes a hobby whilst they concentrate on other possibilities. Vanosiira the young ones to experiment but the probability is very high that they will still find the same results because they will still be operating in a pro-androcentricism environment. 

Ivy Kombo Kasi, Mercy Mutsvene Music, Busi Ncube Music, Edith WeUtonga, Feli Nandi, Dorcas Moyo, Mai Patai Music, That’s my take ladies, Hameno kuti imi munofungei?

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