Tuesday 11 July 2023

Remembering Apostle Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti

 Apostle Ezekiel Guti is a renowned pastor, apostle, and archbishop from Zimbabwe. He was the founder of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA), a Pentecostal Christian church that has branches in over 164 nations. He recently celebrated his 100th birthday in May 2023, making him one of the oldest living preachers in the world. Here are five things you may not know about this remarkable man of God.

1. He started preaching at the age of 15

Ezekiel Guti was born on 5 May 1923 in Chipinge, Manicaland Province. He grew up in a poor family and had little formal education. He was converted to Christianity at the age of 15 and felt a strong calling to preach the gospel. He joined the Apostolic Faith Mission, a South African Pentecostal church, and began to evangelize in rural areas. He faced many challenges and persecutions, but he persevered with faith and courage.

2. He founded ZAOGA after a divine revelation

In 1959, Ezekiel Guti received a divine revela

tion from God to start a new church that would focus on the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. He named it Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA), which later became known as Forward in Faith Ministries International (FIFMI). He faced opposition and rejection from his former church, but he obeyed God’s voice and established ZAOGA with a few faithful followers. Today, ZAOGA has over 2,000 churches in Zimbabwe and over 6,000 churches worldwide.

3. He married his wife Eunor after a miraculous healing

Ezekiel Guti met his wife Eunor Guti in 1960, when she was suffering from a terminal illness. She had been given up by doctors and was bedridden for six months. Ezekiel Guti prayed for her healing and she was miraculously restored to health. They got married in 1961 and have been together for over six decades. They have five children, eleven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

4. He established several educational and medical institutions

Ezekiel Guti is not only a preacher, but also an educator and a philanthropist. He has established several educational institutions across Zimbabwe, including the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU), which offers degrees in theology, business, education, arts, and sciences. He has also pioneered medical facilities to serve members of his church and others, such as the Bethel Medical Centre, which provides free health care to the poor and needy.

5. He died peacefully at the age of 100

Ezekiel Guti passed away on 5 July 2023, two months after celebrating his centenary. His death was announced by his son Apostle Joseph Guti on Ezekiel TV, the church’s official channel. He said that his father had “been promoted to great glory” and that he had fulfilled his mission on earth. His funeral arrangements are yet to be announced, but he is expected to be buried at his farm in Bindura, where he had built a mausoleum for himself and his wife.

Ezekiel Guti was a man of vision, passion, and humility. He touched millions of lives with his ministry and left a lasting legacy for generations to come. He will be remembered as one of the greatest African apostles of all time.

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