Tuesday 1 August 2023

Mystery of Altars



Every family on earth has been contaminated with darkness. 

It is no news that every family has patronized idols.

Scripture says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23).

Abraham came out of an idolatrous lineage.

The patronage of idols, whether consciously or unconsciously, activates an evil covenant, which gives the kingdom of darkness a legal right to operate in such households.

Victims of such households are known as lawful captives  (Isa 49:24).

The department or kingdom representing the headquarters of the dark kingdom in order to operate in households falls under ancestral kingdom. 

It is the division that represents the general satanic kingdom, like a division under a large business conglomerate.

Ancestral kingdom, is in turn, represented by ancestral spirits. These are the demonic foot soldiers that enforce the evil agenda of the dark kingdom in households and their major strategy is idolatry.


These are the forces of darkness that control a person, a family, an area, a province, region, a country, a continent or the world at large.

The rank of the evil spirit determines the largeness of the area of the earth they control.

No man is left unpossessed. No territory is left unconquered.

Something must possess a man; something must overshadow an environment; either light or darkness.

The spirits that control an environment are known as territorial spirits. 

They exert evil influence on an environment by changing the attitudes of residents to make them act or behave in a particular way, to suit their evil agenda.

These are the invisible forces of darkness that decide for a person, a family, a household, a lineage, a clan, a state, territory, country or continent as the case may be.

The powers that be is headed by the god of this world, known as Satan.

That is why the devil is known as the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4).

He apportions other areas to high ranking wicked spirits to dominate and exert evil influence in order to keep people in captivity.

In the kingdom of Persia, the powers that be was influencing the the earthly government of that kingdom (Dan 10:13).

That is why when you see certain earthly governments dishing out unnatural policies, you should be aware that it is done by the dictate of the evill unseen entities controlling that governmental authority. 


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