Thursday 7 September 2023

How Satan Captures Our Minds


(How Satan Captures Our Minds)

By Sr Ireen Nawila

On 28th August, 2023, the Spirit of God rested upon me and I was given a vision. In the vision, I was told that as we move in this Christian journey to heaven, we should not move anyhow, but we should move with people who are wise Spiritually. There are two things that Satan wants from us; our lives and faith. So we should move wisely because Satan has put many different types of traps and baits in our way. All these, are meant to draw us back. I was shown a group of people in a journey, moving. They were going freely the way a person would move in his or her journey. But surprisingly, I did not know where those people were going or what they wanted in their journey. God wants us to move like wise people not like fools. 

I also started moving and then saw that some people were coming back while others were going. We were in something which was in a form of transport. There was a driver who was driving this transport. Then in front, we saw someone coming, and this person was looking very nice. She was dressed in a very short dress, but was looking very beautiful. I was observing everything that was taking place as I was in the front seat with the driver. I saw that this woman was passing that side where the driver was seated. The driver's eyes were caught by this beautiful woman. 

Meanwhile, that woman kept walking without minding who was looking at her, her mind was on her journey, but that driver got taken and kept looking at her. Then I saw that that woman stole the mind of that driver including his face. That woman moved and at a certain point, she bent down and spewed a fruit out of her mouth. That fruit was looking like a guava fruit and was very beautiful. The driver started looking at that fruit as he continued driving. 

Then my eyes were opened and I saw that that woman had swallowed that very driver and then spewed him out of her mouth as a fruit, got him and put him nicely on the ground beside her. But that same driver had remained driving and was carrying many passengers together with me. This really confused me. Then I saw that driver behind and was walking with that woman going back where we had come from. I really wondered what was happening because the vehicle kept moving, being driven by the same driver. That woman moved and reached that place where we had come from and entered into the house. 

After entering the house, she asked that man: "What do you have?" I saw that each person who was asked such a question was supposed to explain by revealing everything they had. She asked how many children they had and the people mentioned all the names of the children they had. Then she looked at all the children that person had and then chose one out of those ones saying: "This is the one I want." That was what she told that man. She then got that child and started off going. This really puzzled me. I looked at the driver who was driving the car in which we were, and saw that the driver was sleeping while driving. He was very weak and was not seeing where the vehicle was going. I kept wondering what was going on. 

Then I saw that as some people were passing from the front going back where we had come from, other people from the vehicle were getting attracted. So, those people alighted and went back with them. I saw that woman demanding the things that the passengers really loved, those things that abpetson really trusted in. It was very difficult to deny her what she wanted and she was just getting all those things that people really cherished. I became afraid as I was seeing all these things. What is there along the path we are moving in? 

We have been told that there is a beautiful woman who is moving about in the path in which we are. I have seen that that person will get our minds, eyes and our brains as we are moving in this Christian journey. She will not come to try to talk to you, but will just pass near you so that you just get attracted and follow that cunning woman. I thought in my heart to say: "Oh Lord, how are we going to move when the world has become this bad?" How are we going to move friends? That was how it was and I really got very worried. I got so worried that I even failed to think after seeing all those things, but that woman kept doing those things. 

After doing all that, that driver came back and then the journey continued like before. This thing passed and then I was shown something else.

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