Monday 18 September 2023

Seer Langton Mupinda Message On Prophet Angel Birthday


By Seer Langton Mupinda 

On the 6th of September, in the depths of time, God graced us with the emergence of a prophet, fashioning a vessel to guide us through this final era. On this sacred day, He birthed a being of such wonder and marvel that it left the devil astounded, rendered useless in the face of divine power. Such was the creation of Prophet Angel.

He stands as a pillar within the Christian faith, a beacon of devotion and righteousness. He embodies the essence of fire, a passionate force that stirs the hearts of believers. Like a gentle wind, he whispers truths and stirs souls to action. His mere presence incites myriad reactions, as his words penetrate deep into the depths of our consciousness.

Yet, amidst his remarkable gifts, he remains a humble soul, ever humbled by his unwavering love for God. He stands as a shining example of a father, not just to his own kin but to all who seek guidance on their spiritual journey.

These glimpses into his essence offer a mere fraction of the divine wisdom and power bestowed upon him by the Heavenly Father. As we prepare to celebrate his birth during the power week in October, it remains paramount to also honor the day he entered this world, the 6th of September. We extend a warm invitation to all, that you may register and partake in the physical celebrations of this extraordinary man's life.

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