Saturday 14 October 2023

Be Transformed


 *1 Peter 2:24* _"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the tree, so that we might die to those sins and live righteously. "By his wounds you have been healed."_

*Be transformed*

Everyone who would ever trust in Jesus as Saviour is considered by God to be His seed, His spiritual seed, and while the Lord Jesus walked this earth we were reckoned to be IN Christ so that when He died, we died IN Him "so that we might die to those sins and live righteously."

The Lord Jesus not only died FOR the sin of the whole world, but also on behalf of all believers, by His death on the Cross and separation from the Father on our behalf. 

He suffered scourging and lashings and beatings and humiliation for us, for He was pierced for our rebellion and crushed for our sins. 

 *My Prayer* 

Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus died to pay the price for my sins so that I too may live a life that is dead to sin and alive to Christ. Thank You that Jesus took the full force of the wrath of God in His body on the tree so that I might die to those sins and live righteously in Christ Jesus. AMEN.

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