Thursday 16 November 2023

Types of Altars Affecting People


There are different types of altars troubling men and women all over the world. Let us examine some of them.


If there is a shrine altar in your family, you have to pray very hard. There are some places in the world where there is practically a shrine at the back of every house. If you happen to come from such area, you need to pray aggressively. If you fail to pray, your destiny will remain under the control of some strange shrines. Even if the shrine had been discarded and nobody goes there to offer sacrifices again, the shrine still retains in its memory the fact that it was once worshipped by your ancestors.


Someone may have constructed an image to represent a particular person; whenever he wants to harm the person, he puts sharp pins on the body of the image. When this is done, the fellow will feel pains at exactly the same spots on his body.


Whenever wicked people want to harm a particular person, they take the fellow's picture to an altar. They can have contact with the wicked powers through the picture.


All kinds of strange objects are summoned to appear in a cauldron and are cooked with the intention of harming the victims.


Wicked spirits are fond of hiding the destiny of their victims in the water. To do this they might tie a charm around a heavy stone and throw it inside the water with a curse. And just as a stone does not float, this destiny will never come to the surface.


Wicked people hide the destiny of their victims in thick forests.


Charms are hung on trees or tied around the stems to harm people


Wicked people erect altars at crossroads to truncate destinies.


Agents of the devil cut people's clothes and place them at altars in order to harm their victims.


Cutlasses and other iron instruments are gathered to construct altars which are worshipped by people who are avowed agents of the devil. Therefore, if these altars are angry with you, you might be in for a terrible time. Unfortunately they are tormenting many people today.

These kinds of powers raged against Gideon and he became a servant of servants. He had to remain in hiding before he could thresh corn. Do you really want to fulfill your destiny? Are you ready to become free from the evil family pattern which you have noticed in your lineage?

Jesus has already delivered us from the power of these altars through His death, burial, and resurrection for your salvation.

Read Colossians 1:13-14, 2:14-15 from your Bible

So, legally, you have the authority to destroy these altars and the powers behind them in the name of Jesus Christ.

Read Luke 10:19, Matthew 18:18, and Philippians 2:9-11 from your Bible

 *NOTICE* : Don't go and attack the shrine/altar physically just do your prayer remotely and destroy the altar and the power behind the altar spiritually.

If there is a need to destroy the shrine/altar physically it will require a deliverance minister gifted in that area with obvious gifts of discernment and word of knowledge to do that.

In the next write up I will be sharing with you deliverance prayers that will liberate you from foundational altars.

 *NOTICE* : the mere fact that you are born again will not automatically deliver you from the power of foundational altars. You must recognize it, and destroy it by renunciation. Just as salvation is not complete until there is confession (Rom. 10:9, 10), deliverance must be preceded by verbal pronunciation.

Read Proverbs 11:9b from your Bible

May God grant us victory in Jesus' name.

For more information about Altars

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