Tuesday 19 December 2023

Be Like Christ


*James 3:10*

*Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.*

Believers are expected to display a marked difference from the world in their deportment. We should spend time studying the word of God and allow it to transform our minds into exemplary people whose character follows the pattern of

Jesus Christ. When people treat us badly, we must reciprocate with kindness. This way we teach love by how we speak to others and how we behave. We must bless even when an opportunity to curse arises and in this we become true disciples of our Lord and Saviour.

*Prayer Point*

Lord Jesus cleanse my heart, mind and speech with your clensing blood and your transforming word so that I can follow the example of Jesus Christ in how I treat and respond to those around me, Amen.

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