Thursday 21 December 2023

The Friend At Night


Luke 11: 5-8 " And He said unto them, "Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight and say unto him, lend me three loaves; ---"

Jesus taught this Parable with the intent that we always ought to pray without ceasing. The friend had a visitor at night and went to ask for bread from a neighbor for the visitor. The neighbor initially refused to wake up but because the friend continuously knocked on the door, the neighbor had no option but to wake up and grant the request.

We must come to God with boldness and confidence for what we need, as a man does to the house of his neighbor. He went to the neighbor during a difficult season (at night). He was not looking for his own bread but for a visitor. Intercession is about others not for ourselves. That is why it is called "standing on the gap". 

We prevail with men by importunity because they are displeased with it, but with God because He is pleased with it. Prayer demands perseverance and patience. Knock until you are given the bread. You will be given not because you are a friend or a neighbor but because you continued knocking. God will grant our desires not only because we are His Children but because of our persistence.

To God be the glory.

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