Saturday 13 January 2024

Be Wary of Disobedience


*Deuteronomy 1:2*

_It is eleven days’ journey from Horeb by way of Mount Seir to Kadesh Barnea._

A journey that was supposed to take the Israelites eleven days from Egypt to Caanan turned into 40 years with much loss of life. Two sins contributed to this demise, disbelieve and disobedience. A lack of faith in the ability of God who has promised to lead us through many roadblocks will leave us going round in circles. Disobedience to the leading of God will also make us turn to our own solutions resulting in failure. Let us have faith in God's ability to fulfill His promises to us & let us remain obedient to His guidance.


 Lord I put my faith in You and commit to obeying your commands, the Holy Spirit being my helper, Amen.

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