Tuesday 16 January 2024

Church Growth: Strategic Planning Crucial


January 13th 2024

By Lancelot Nyamaka

The Northern Region Strategic Planning Training exercise began yesterday with the following Divisions in attendance, Bindura, Mupfure, Chiweshe, Guruve, schools and institutions within the region with the Chief Secretary Colonel Tineyi Mambo leading the process.

Besides house keeping and setting  the platform for effective dialogue and discussions, the Chief Secretary Colonel Tineyi Mambo said the issue of identifying and engaging stakeholders of our respective Salvation Army institutions.

He said the seminar is primarily focusing on capacity building of Salvation Army institutions for strategic planning  and developing self sustaining ideas.

Lt. Colonel Casman Chinyemba then  facilitated holy manners for the seminar and gave an overview/background to the concept of Strategic  planning.

Mr. Oscar Madombwe (Territorial Strategic Planning Committee Chairman) then introduced the components of the strategic planning model. 

The Strategic Planning workshop runs until tomorrow. - Salvationist online

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