Tuesday 30 January 2024

Empowering Communities: Church Participates In USAID-Funded Family Planning Programme


Staff Writer 

The city of Harare is abuzz with enthusiasm as the Inception Workshop of the 5-year USAID-funded Providing Family Planning Services (PFPS) program takes center stage. 

The Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) is a key participant at this event, joining hands with consortium partners led by Population Services Zimbabwe to spearhead initiatives aimed at expanding the reach and enhancing the quality of Family Planning services over the next five years.With a strategic focus on leveraging its connections with church and other faith networks, ZCC is poised to play a pivotal role in driving community engagement and fostering partnerships for the success of this ambitious program.

The consortium, consisting of organizations such as Act for Peace, Christian Aid, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, and OxfarmAg, brings a wealth of expertise and diverse perspectives to the table. 

Together, they will collaborate closely to implement impactful activities that address the critical need for improved Family Planning services.

The USAID-funded PFPS program aims to not only increase accessibility to Family Planning services but also to elevate the standards of care provided. 

By tapping into the vast networks of churches and faith-based organizations, the consortium seeks to create a comprehensive and community-centric approach to reproductive health.

Act for Peace, Christian Aid, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, and OxfarmAg, as integral partners in this endeavor, are set to contribute their unique strengths and resources to ensure the program's success. 

This collaborative effort underscores the significance of partnerships in addressing complex societal challenges.As the Inception Workshop unfolds, stakeholders are engaging in lively discussions, sharing insights, and formulating strategies to achieve the program's goals. 

The active participation of ZCC and its consortium partners reflects a shared commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities through accessible and high-quality Family Planning services.

The next five years promise to be transformative for Family Planning in Harare and beyond, with the USAID-funded PFPS program laying the groundwork for lasting change. 

The collaborative spirit of this initiative exemplifies the power of collective action in driving progress and improving the well-being of communities.

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