Monday 26 February 2024

Access To Health For All Crucial

 This week, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) participated in a joint monitoring visit of the SRH program in Bulilima district wards 5, 11, and 12 together with Christian Aid (CA), Poverty Reduction Forum Trust (PRFT), and Community Working Group on Health(CWGH). 

ZCC is one of the partners implementing a Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) program aimed at improving access to SRH services among women and girls. 

During the visit, the team interacted with a wide spectrum of project stakeholders including project beneficiaries. 

The monitoring team also conducted Community Accountability Assessments (CAA) and monitored project progress. 

The CAA assessments will provide information on preferred mechanisms by community members to share information and provide feedback to the humanitarian agencies.

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