Tuesday 13 February 2024

Daily Contact With God



Pastor Djimi 



Scriptures: Luke 11:3, Act 1:12-14, Matthew 26:40-41, Act 3:1

LUKE 11:3; IN THESE WORDS there is a clue to another vital secret in the art of praying to change things. This is the principle of daily contact with the living God. Jesus taught men to pray saying, "Give us day by day our daily bread." Successful prayer means daily contact with God. When a man's spiritual life begins to deteriorate, generally the cause can be traced to a lack of consistent daily prayer. Act 1:12-14, the Apostle of Jesus were constantly praying together in the upper room in order for them to maintain they are daily contact with God. 

Those who have investigated have been amazed to learn the small amount of time many people,give to real prayer. Perhaps five or ten minutes a day are spent in saying prayers, and then they are up and on their way. No wonder the forces of darkness are able to mobilize against them and in some cases completely paralyze their efforts. Matthew 26:40-41. The things of which a successful life is made are shaped in the crucible of the daily hour of prayer. God must work with the material given Him and if there is a paucity of material made available, He is limited in what He can do. Many people do not realize that there is an actual substance to prayer. Act 3:1, At this early point, the Apostle were still praying in the temple. The ninth hour was about 3 pm. God has ordained that men should have at their command the resources of heaven. "All power in heaven and in earth is delivered unto me," said Jesus. 

"Give us day by day our daily bread." Jesus did not ask us to pray for a year's supply, or a month's, or even a week's supply of bread. God wants us daily to be in utter dependence of Him. He wants us to daily feel the need of the strength of His presence, of His sustaining power.

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