Tuesday 6 February 2024

God Who Never Changes




Pastor Djimi


Scripture: Lamentations 3:22-23, Psalm 119:90, Numbers 23:19,  2 Timothy 2:13

Faith in God rests on God’s faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness. Jeremiah had almost given up hope. Then he remembered something that restored his hope again. This was the faithfulness or mercies of God. Mercies ( Hebrew hesed) can be translated “ convenient love” or “steadfast love”. It’s link with compassion, truth and faithfulness and goodness. These are astonishing words. Jeremiah spoke them as he sat looking out over Jerusalem, which had been sacked, razed to the ground, and left as a heap of smoldering rubble. He wept over that city. Yet he knew that God was faithful. Jeremiah’s faith never faltered. Psalm 119:90 assures us: “Your faithfulness endures to all generations”. 

In what way is God faithful? To whom, or to what is he faithful? God is faithful to himself. He is always what he says he is. He never lets himself down by doing something out of keeping with what he really is. What he has revealed about his character is consistent with what he does; God never acts out of character. We can never say about anything he does, “That’s not him! he’s not like that.” Whatever he does, he is true to himself. He is what he says he is, and he does what he says he will. In fact, he must do certain things, if he is the God that he says he is. The certainty of his promises rests on his faithfulness (Numbers 23:19). 

More than once in John’s Gospel, Jesus openly states what he must do. He had to do certain things because of who he was and is. Scripture says, he cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:13). He must act according to his nature. If his nature is love, then he must love. If he is righteous, then he must be just.

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