Wednesday 7 February 2024

Jehovah Elohim...


*Matthew 1:5-6*

_And the son of Salmon by Rahab was Boaz; and the son of Boaz by Ruth was Obed; and the son of Obed was Jesse;6 And the son of Jesse was David the king; and the son of David was 

Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah;_

The first chapter of Matthew records the genealogy of Jesus.It is amazing to note that amongst some people were regarded as the worst sinners like Rachab and a child born out of adultery like Solomon,Jesus came out of such a generation

Brethren ,it does not matter where we are coming from,God can bring the best out of our darkest family history.Just believe and you will see Him raising a king through you.He is Elohim,the Lord who creates out of nothing !


Father I thank you for your faithfulness,out of my darkest history you raised a king through me.I was not worthy but you raised me from the dust,Amen.

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