Sunday 18 February 2024

The Mystery and Dangers of Masturbation


By Prophet Dr. Lovemore Chevure

After my last post on this subject, I received over 7000 messages from individuals struggling with the demon of masturbation. 

Today, I share this message because I believe someone out there is seeking answers, wondering why they can't progress in life.

Before you retire for the night, take a moment to pray and read this message.

 God has brought you here for a reason; tonight, you will uncover the obstacles hindering your progress.

Understanding Masturbation:

Masturbation is the act of self-stimulation for sexual pleasure leading to orgasm. It's crucial to grasp the essence of this issue before delving into its consequences.

Consequences of Masturbation:

Masturbation isn't merely a harmless act; it has profound spiritual implications.

 Each time you engage in it, you are essentially contributing to the demonic realm.

For instance, men who masturbate unknowingly donate sperm to the demonic kingdom, while women who indulge in it engage in sexual activity with demons, often resulting in spiritual impregnation.

A Testimony of Deliverance:

Allow me to share a testimony of a man who sought my help. 

Despite surviving a life-threatening accident, he struggled to receive financial compensation from the government.

 Through prayer, I discerned that his repeated acts of masturbation had siphoned away his blessings.

After a deliverance prayer, he had a transformative dream where he reclaimed what was rightfully his. Shortly after, his long-delayed financial aid was released.

Breaking Free from Masturbation:

It's never too late to break free from the chains of masturbation. Through prayer and faith, you can expel this demonic influence from your life.

I urge you to reject the devices of the enemy, including sex toys, which only serve to perpetuate this destructive habit.

Remember, your body is a temple of God, and it deserves to be treated as such. 

By renouncing masturbation and seeking spiritual guidance, you pave the way for divine blessings in every aspect of your life.I encourage you to share your testimonies and join our prayerline for support and guidance.

Contact Information:Phone/WhatsApp: +263784631580, +263773830367


 WhatsApp Group:

Let us stand together in faith as we overcome the stronghold of masturbation and embrace the abundant life God has promised us.Stay blessed, Prophet Dr. L. Chevure

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