Friday 8 March 2024

Lift Your Level of Expectancy




Pastor Djimi 



Scriptures: Hebrew 13:5, Exodus 23:20-30

Stop worrying about what the devil is trying to do and get zeroed in on what God is trying to do. God can use your problems...the sicknesses in your body, your financial needs, your family problems...because of your circumstances, you’re extremities, are God's opportunities. When you go through the valley of the shadow of death, God will use that circumstance to prove His faithfulness. He will use it to prove "I will never leave you, nor forsake you". 

Your circumstances are an opportunity for you to draw near to God and for God to reveal Himself to you through those circumstances in a greater way than He ever has before. 

The siege of Samaria and the famine the Israelites endured were divine opportunities for God to intervene in their circumstances and to show Himself as strong as Jehovah and provide for their needs. In other words, He was bringing glory to Himself through the circumstances in their lives. What glory can be realized from the needs...the your life? 

See them as God's opportunity to fulfill His Word to you.

In Exodus God said, "I will take you step by step by step not all at once and each step will be a miracle."  Refuse to accept your situation as it is. 

Lift your level of expectancy. Whatever your circumstances may be, you can face them without fear because you know that God wants to use your circumstances on your behalf. Begin each new day expecting a miracle. 

Believe He is working on your behalf. Praise Him for it. Change your way of thinking. Replace fear with courage...worry with trust...and doubt with a simple loyalty to God and his Word. God will change your problems into miracles.

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