Tuesday 30 April 2024

Do Not Worry


Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to your span of life? (Matthew 6:26-27)

Worrying is unnecessary, even for the hardworking. Nobody works harder for a living than a bird, but birds do not worry. Yet the heavenly Father looks after them. How much less should we worry!

Worry is useless. Anxious care cannot add a single hour to life. Nothing changes because one is worried. Doing the right thing (action) changes things. The past cannot be changed: the future can be charted. So worrying about them is useless and debilitating.

Worry is blind. It refuses to learn the lessons of God's Providence taught us by the birds and flowers. Short lived as they are, in their quiet dependence on their environment they display that peace that should mark believers who know that behind their environment there is a loving heavenly Father.

Every day I put hope on the line. I don't know one thing about the future. I don't know what the next hour will hold. There may be sickness, accident, personal or world catastrophe. Before this day is over I may have to deal with pain, loss, rejection or accusations. Still, despite my ignorance, I say that God will accomplish His will, and I cheerfully persist in living in the hope that nothing will separate me from Christ's love

To God be the glory.

Rev B Chinhara

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