Saturday 18 May 2024

At Your Word...


*Luke 5:5*

_"And Simon answered, 'Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.'"_

This verse occurs in the story of Jesus calling his first disciples, specifically Simon Peter. The context is that Jesus had been teaching from Simon's boat, and afterwards instructed Simon to go out and let down his nets for a catch.

 Simon says they had "toiled all night and took nothing", indicating they were discouraged from a long and fruitless night of fishing. Despite his discouragement, Simon says "at your word I will let down the nets", showing a willingness to obey Jesus' instruction even when it didn't make immediate sense.

Simon's willingness to obey Jesus' word despite his own discouragement demonstrates a level of faith and trust in Jesus' authority and wisdom.


Lord Jesus help me to be  obedient and to  have  faith in you.Remove  doubt from me so that I may  trust you ,Amen.

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