Thursday 27 June 2024


Her rival (Peninnah) used to provoke her severely, to irritate her, because the Lord had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:6).

Hannah was childless in her own eyes and in the eyes of her society but she had children in the eyes of God. She wasn't aware that hers was not a problem but a divine program to give birth to a Nazirite (Samuel) destined to take over from Eli the priest. Peninnah wouldn't hate Hannah for nothing. She was extremely difficult and most provoking at Shiloh, the place of worship than at home. She wanted Hannah to backslide.

Hannah refused to be offended and she continued coming to the place of worship. The place of worship is where we should get comfort and hope. She cried to the Lord at the place of worship. The place where Hannah cried, the place she was receiving endless provocation, the place she was being humiliated and receiving a lesser share was the same place where Samuel was going to serve.

The place where we cry today in sorrow is the place where we will cry with joy tomorrow as long as we refuse to be offended no matter the attacks. 

Furthermore, Hannah was provoked by the Priest who accused her of drunkenness (1 Samuel 1:14). Eli suspected Hannah that she was one of the immoral women with whom his sons Hophni and Pheneas associated with. Under such provocations she remained humble and sober. 

It was Hannah's affliction, and a great affliction it was, added to all the rest, vinegar to the wounds of her Spirit. She had been reproved by Elkannah her husband because she wouldn't eat and drink (1 Samuel 1:8), and now to be reproached by Eli as if she had eaten and drunk. It is not a new thing for those that do well to be ill thought of, and we must not think it strange if at any time it be our portion.

Hannah set a double watch before the door of her lips, and did not return censure for censure. Never return evil with evil. In justice to Eli, she gives an account of her present behavior: "I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit, dejected and  discomposed, and that is the reason I do not look as other congregants, my eyes are red, not with wine, but with weeping. And at this time, I have not been talking to myself, as drunkerds and fools do, but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord, who hears and understands the language of the heart".

By our meek and humble carriage towards those that reproach us because they do not know us and do not know what we are going through, we may perhaps make them our friends, and turn their censures of us into prayers for us.

To God be the glory 

Rev B Chinhara

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