Friday 28 June 2024

Zimbabwe Council of Churches In Social Cohesion Initiative

Zimbabwe Council of Churches 

 Embracing Cultural diversity leads to appreciating one another and upholding one’s dignity despite the gaps that may exist. The process has the potential to foster collaboration, harvest new ideas that may contribute to achieving greater goals together. This is evidenced from the Inter-Religious Community Dialogue we held as ZCC as part of the Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development (HERD)Program on gender equality and Social cohesion in Gutu ward 16 and Bikita ward 31.  

From the various discussions we had on inclusivity, gender equality, child marriages, stereotypes and misconceptions that exist it was noted that cultural diversity creates a safe place and environment for growth and instead of focusing at the differences that exist; it celebrates them, making community members to be authentically themselves.

In reflection and reminiscence, the Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development (HERD) Program that was implemented in those wards, contributed significantly in strengthening the community relationships and social bonds. It takes commitment and empowerment and good support systems to reach this level and as ZCC we appreciate the positive change in the communities we serve.  







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