Monday 29 July 2024



Angels are supernatural beings whose duty is to serve man, born again or not. They are an extension of the power, strength, wisdom, justice, and knowledge of God. To see them outside Christology is idolatry, and to open yourself to deception.


From the beginning of Genesis, angels have been assisting men, and it's not alien even in the New Testament. This might be a series where we would be discussing angelic encounters from the old testament to the new testament. In this post, I will be showing Jesus interactions with angels and how we can learn how to put our angels to work.


Matthew 4:11

Then the devil left him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.


This was the inception of Jesus ministry. Angels were predominant in Jesus supernatural ministry. This was after Jesus's baptism and fasting. Then, angels ministered unto Jesus because he was a man. The qualification to receive angelic ministry is just being a man. We can safely say that the angels ministered food just like Elijah and the children of Israel in the wilderness.

How can you put your angels to work?


Matthew 26:53

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? 


Jesus was speaking about possibilities. He needed deliverance, and he said he would ask for 12 legions of angels. A legion is 6,000; 12 legions would be about 72,000 angels. Jesus was assured of the ministry of angels. 

How can we put angels to work?


Firstly, you pray to the Father. This means you would acknowledge God as the source of all spirits and the only person that deserves your worship. You don't need to pray to any angel or in the name of any angel. The name of Jesus is enough. So you stand in your authority in the name of Jesus and request.


Secondly, be specific with your request. Jesus was specific with the number of angels he needed. Do you need a miracle? Be specific on the kind of miracle you want with many details.


Lastly, believe that you have received what you asked for. Jesus said presently the Father would give him. This means after praying authoritatively in the name of Jesus and requesting the assistance of angels, believe you have received it, and you will have what you asked for. The spirit realm is not bound by time; don't be time conscious in your expectations, but God conscious and the ministry of angels conscious.


Finally, this is a warning to those that would want to abuse this teaching: Angels are servants, not slaves. Therefore, be courteous, honest, and sincere in your approach.

In the prophetic mentorship program, I have helped and still help many men and women of God overcome their challenges in their prophetic ministry.

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