Tuesday 23 July 2024

What Is An Altar?

 What is an altar ? An altar is a meeting  point between the earth and the spiritual  realm ,a meeting place between mortals and spirits. It is a place where sacrifices are offered to a deity (Ex20:24)

Altars determine the spirit that controls the environment. The Altars is a place of spiritual dedication and is also known as the secret place. Sacrifice is not offered in public the in privacy.

Every secret place is not  equal in degree of secrecy .Secret places are more  secret than others, thus,altars are more powerful than altars .An altar is an avenue through which meets God.It is a link between humanity and divinity.

That is why scripture says God is a Spirit  and they that worship him  must worship  him in spirit and in truth (Jn4:24)

The wicked altars of your father's house

Judges 6:12-13,25-26

Let me offer one or two explanations before the prayers start. There is trouble in the land ,just as there will always be trouble when you put God  last and something else first.

In our scripture, there was trouble in lsrael. The enemy was punishing them harshly and troubling  them .They had to hide their  food  because  if the enemy discovered that they were making food, they would come and destroy  it

Gideon was trying to make food  ,hiding what he was doing. Then an angel came to him and saluted him .The salute tell tell us what God  had written down in His book  concerning Gideon.

Judge 6:12 and the angel of the Lords appeared unto him and said unto him, The Lord is with thee ,thou mighty man of valour.

Jdg 6:13 And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where [be] all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.Can you close your eyes, raise your right hand ,and not let anybody 's voice be louder than yours? This is a strategic prayer

Powe of my father house, handing me over to the enemy, die in the name of Jesus.

They were handed over to the enemies, and the enemies were punishing them. Gideon was a mighty man, according to the record of heaven. We did not know what the problem was ,until the angel instructed him  on what to go and do so that he could repossess his destiny .

Jdg 6:25 And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that [is] by it:

Jdg 6:26 And build an altar unto the LORD thy God upon the top of this rock, in the ordered place, and take the second bullock, and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down.

We now began to see that  what demoted Gideon from being a mighty man of valour to somebody who became a beggar was the altar of his father's house. Let us be honest with ourselves. Our ancestors did not serve the living God .Most of them practically served the devil. So there is practically no family where ,in their history,What are altars?

-lndispensable places of worship 

places where sacrifice are brought into contact with what is worshipped there was no wicked altar.

What are altars?

-lndispensable places of worship 

places where sacrifice are brought into contact with what is worshipped

An institution started by God but  now polluted by the enemy

They bring a covering over the land.

They determine the kind of spirits that control the land and ,invariably, the people. 

A place of sacrifice, dedication, covenant-making, and communion with  spirit. That is why they can be positive or negative. 

A place of slaughter for something that is worshipped. 

A place of spiritual exchange. 

A spiritual dining table where spirits are offered food. 

A place of spiritual traffic, whether good or bad

Most of the house built many years ago were built on altars. Practically all the market place we have built on altars. If the wicked altars of the  father's house of Gideon had to be cut down before he could access his destiny ,you and l may not be able to do that physically again, but we can spiritually cut down every idol and spiritually cut down every  wicked altar.

Even  as we are here now ,back in the place where many people were born , the altar is still there, and they are offering sacrifices on that altar.and once an altar is established in a family, it brings a covering of darkness over the whole family.I am  praying for somebody here today, :every ancient altar, forgotten altars, hidden altars, buried altars, working against against my family here,with a tenfold amen ,let those  altars catch fire in the name of Jesus

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