Thursday 29 August 2024


God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent---(Numbers 23:19)

Balak the king of Moab and his subjects were afraid of the Israelites who had camped near his territory. He called Balaam to pronounce curses against the Israelites. Several altars were built and offerings were given in order to curse the Israelites. 

See how restless the  enemies are in their malicious attempts to ruin the children of God, they leave no stone unturned, no project untried, to compass it. Children of God should also pray without ceasing knowing very much that the enemy will not rest.

Each time Balaam wanted to curse the Israelites God would appear and turn the curse into a blessing. Balaam is told by God several times that God cannot curse that which he had blessed. Thus Balaam told Balak that it would be to no purpose to attempt to ruin Israel, and he would deceive himself if he expected it, for three reasons:----

1) Because God is unchangeable: God is not a man that He should lie. Men change their minds, and therefore break their words; they lie, because they repent. But God does neither. He never changes His mind, and therefore never recalls His promise.

2) Because Israelites are at present unblamable. There was not such a degree of iniquity as might provoke God to abandon them and give them up to ruin. While we keep from sin we keep from harm. God will not bear to see any injury done to His Church and His people; for what is done against them, he takes as done against Him.

3) They had the presence of God with them. The curses of hell can never take place against the blessings of Heaven. God easily can, and certainly will, baffle and disappoint all the devices and designs of the powers of darkness against His people.

To God be the glory.

Rev B Chinhara.

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