Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Anti-Marriage Spirit Torments Lady

Source : Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave 

 Hi ChurchPerson. Please hide my ID. I am a 36 years old young woman who has never been married. My late maternal grandfather swore that me and my sister would never get married because our father dumped her daughter. 

Vaigara vachiti baba venyu vakatsvinyira Mwana Wangu. My young sister is now 31 years old and we are both stranded. We do get into promising relationships but they just don’t materialize into marriage. Ndakatomborongerwa marooro asi mukomana haana kuuya isu taunganidza vanhu. Ndakazonzwa kuti akatoroora mumwe. 

We have literally attended all pentecostal deliverance sessions at our church where we only hear others’testimonies and our turn to be delivered hasn’t come. There is nothing Christian we haven’t done in the hope for deliverance. 

I pay my tithes and am faithful to zvishandwa zvese in church. I even accompany and host powerful speakers and deliverance ministers in church nemota yangu in church in the hope that God will remember me and I might find deliverance. My sister is backsliden haasi kana kunzwa zvekunamata. 

I have tried prayer and fasting nekubatana nevamwe mumakomo for prayer but so far it’s been all in vain. The problem is when I continue approaching deliverance ministers in vain they seem tired of my case and they end up blaming inadequacy of my faith, as they lose interest and tell me perhaps I am not expectant or prayerful enough. I am on the verge of losing hope. 

Kuma One on One vanongotora mari  yangu and nothing changes. Is Pentecostal deliverance real at all or they just take advantage of our silent suffering to cash in? Please assist kunevachabatsira.

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